Trying to install font family NSimSun at C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\simsun.ttc to private collectionįont family NSimSun with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font Trying to install font family SimSun at C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\simsun.ttc to private collectionįont family SimSun with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font Trying to install font family Microsoft YaHei Light at C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\msyhl.ttc to private collectionįont family Microsoft YaHei Light with style Regular is not available: please, try to reinstall this font My PC environment, Win10, has installed these fonts, but the program keeps failing.My Java JDK version is JDk14. This is a file from the example to modify the font content. String adobeFontName2 = FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName("Arial") ĪssertAreEqual(adobeFontName1, .FontName) ĪssertAreEqual(adobeFontName2, .FontName) String adobeFontName1 = FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName("Comic Sans MS") TextLayer textLayer = (TextLayer)image.Layers Using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputFilePsd)) Image.Save(outputFilePng, new PngOptions()) = FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName("Arial") ITextPortion firstPortion = į = FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName("Comic Sans MS") TextLayer textLayer = image.AddTextLayer("Text 1", new Rectangle(10, 35, image.Width, 35)) ((IColorFillSettings)backgroundFillLayer.FillSettings).Color = Color.White Using (var image = new PsdImage(500, 500))įillLayer backgroundFillLayer = FillLayer.CreateInstance(FillType.Color) Throw new Exception("Objects are not equal.") Void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual) String outputFilePsd = "fontEditTest.psd" string outputFilePng = "result_fontEditTest.png"
Nsimsun font code#
You please try using the following sample code on your end.